Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week of April 29, 2013

Hey Mom!!

That is so exciting about Caitlin!! I can’t wait for her to be out in the field. It is the best. So yes, I am doing great, it’s the end of the month, so we have been scrambling for money, trying to spend as little as possible. So man, you will be so impressed with me this week. There was a ward talent show, and Elder Reed, Bebee, Erickson and I entered!!! We sang a cool new version of A Child’s Prayer, then Elder Reed and I did the Fireknife dancing with wooden practice sticks. There was also an auction to raise money for the youth...I thought we had to help, so we put up "Missionary Run FHE", it raised $65!!! SO crazy!!! IT was a blast...and ok here’s the big one!! Elder Reed and I sang in Sacrament Meeting!!!! Yeah, could you ever see me doing that??? I couldn’t! We sang acapella? However you spell it. We sang the song, Brightly Beams our Father’s Mercy. It was awesome! I figured I need to stand by my quote to do something each day that scares you..well, that scared me. I’ve never sang before in public!!! It was really good for me. We practiced once then just went for it. The Spirit was SO strong!! Man, it was a blast, and we got a lot of comments after!! 

So President told us to use our creativity, he said if we think it’s better than tracting...TRY IT! So now I have a green light to let my creativity fly!! Some ideas will be coming soon. SO another great part of the week...WE GOT A CAR!!! Brand new from Salt Lake!!! It is a white Jeep Compass 2013!! It is not like a missionary car! It is so nice haha. We are way spoiled. 

We taught the Activity Day girls haha yes, 9-10 yrs old. It was a blast!! They are crazy!!! We talked about the mission and how they can do missionary work haha, their teacher wanted us to. They are like our best friends, they see us riding our bikes and they yell out their car windows or come running out of their house to ride with us. They are nuts though, like crazier than Grace. (his cousin) It’s funny because its like us two missionaries with these little crazy girls as our best friends haha. 

Oh, another crazy experience!!! We had to deliver 150 Books of Mormon to all of the missionaries in our zone, and we didn’t have a car at the time, so we didn’t know how to do it....then genius struck! We strapped a baby carriage thing to the back of our electric bike and then drove around to deliver them....NOW THAT’S THINKIN’ WITH YOUR DIPSTICK, JIMMY. It was hilarious. We also have been prank phone calling our zone, hahahaha. It’s so funny, I act like a crazy old man, almost everyone of them pitched the BOM and asked for a phone number to call them back. One companionship I called, I acted like an old Italian guy haha...Pop Pop. I call and said "Franky?" They said no, it’s Elder Stevens..."Steven how did you get Franky’s numba?" ummm idk... “Your a bum! Put Franky on the phone!” They started pitching the BOM and asked for an address to come visit me...I freaked out, hahaha I go, “don’t yous be askin’ me for any address, you bum” haha, I started cracking up and then ratted myself funny. We also sang When There’s Love At Home in church...I couldn’t sing, I was cracking up the entire time thinking of the Mobsters and Mormons video.

Now to move onto more spiritual stuff.... I’ve had a few miracles happen. The first is a less active police officer from St. Anthony. Elder Miller and I knocked his door and he denied us hard core, he was very nasty, but we just bore testimony and left. Throughout the winter, we always shoveled his driveway and cleaned off his car. We just found out he is now active, and baptized his son!!!!!  All because we were helping him out not expecting anything, he said he had to let missionaries come and talk to him after watching us from his window slave away at his driveway. SO COOL!!!!! So that was a miracle for sure, and now another one. I was fasting yesterday for more success and more teaching opportunities. We go to church, and a family comes up to us with their 9 year old and they have been inactive for a while. They said they want him baptized as soon as possible and they want to have all of the lessons!!! YESSSSSS, prayer and fasting works!! So we had two big time lessons this week... One was with JD, we taught the Plan of Salvation with these little card things, it went so well, we bore testimony and felt the Spirit so strong!!! He is definitely progressing, now it’s time to set the hook and get the guy baptized! Our other big lesson was with Paul, he is a new investigator, he is progressing really well, we gave him a blessing for kidney stones, talked about football, then taught the restoration. I was in tears when I was bearing testimony about how it blesses families, because it has mine. He was in tears, and so was the member that came with us. He admitted he thinks it’s his time to convert!!!!  All because 2 Mormon football players got drafted to his NFL team, and that lesson....WOOHOOO!!! PS: he is just like dad...part member family, went through tons of I love winning. Satan...0 Jesus...1!!!  

Man, I love my mission!!!! It is such a blast!!! We are going to check out a guy’s house out here today that has an indoor ice rink in his basement...yeah. Inspiration for sure. Man, but seriously the mission is the best thing that I have done so far. But I gotta get runnin. I love you all so much!! Be safe and God I did go back to the doc. My headaches are doing great! NO problems yet!!! He gave me his cell # in case I do have them again he will give me one of those nerve blocks again to get rid of them. But kk I love you all!!!

Elder Fischetti 

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